Tag Archive: steel lockers

Covid-19 – Workplace Lockers and Storage

Due to Covid-19 there have been many new procedures and restrictions put into place within workplaces, to allow for a safe working environment. Some of these restrictions include staggered shift patterns and no hot desking, however have you thought about the lockers and storage you are providing to your staff.

Workplace storage is a key area where bacteria and germs could potentially lurk and risk infecting other members of the work force even when keeping to safe social distancing. There are some key changes that could be done to help reduce risks;

  • Individual storage – often workplace offer sharing lockers or storage, for space and cost saving. However, sharing storage could increase risk of infection between staff members even with staggered shift patterns.
  • Lockers with antibacterial properties – our lockers have a anti-bacteria properties without their paint work. This prevents the infection and growth of bacteria on the surface of the lockers.
  • Providing hand sanitiser – providing hand sanitiser for your employees they will encourage staff to use this both before and after using their storage and the staff areas.
  • Regularly clean – ensuring that lockers are cleaned at the minimum between each work shift. This will help reduce the risk of infection between employees on different shifts.
  • Separations between storage – by separating lockers, this allows further space for staff to socially distance. All of our lockers can be purchased in individual widths, but can nested together at a late date if required.

By making these few simple changes to your workplace storage you will be creating a safer working environment for your staff members.

Workplace Safety

There are many other aspects to be considered when bringing staff members back into the workplace in order to create a safe and socially distanced working environment. Some of these aspects include:

  1. Reducing the number of staff on site. Can any of your staff work from home, as this will reduce staff numbers. Amending working hours to shift patterns would also help.
  2. Increasing the space between workstations. With a reduced workforce there would hopefully be space for increased distance between staff workstations.
  3. Use of temporary barriers on workstations or in staff areas. Especially if you are unable to increase space between work stations, adding temporary barriers will help to lower infection risks.

If you need to purchase any further storage to manage these steps, why not take a look at our range.

Construction Lockers: The Buying Guide

Do you need new storage solutions for a construction site? Making a choice between the thousands of products on offer can be difficult to know what you truly need.  Direct2U has created this handy 7 step guide to make the process and the choice a little easier!

1. Cloakroom Benches

2. Wire Mesh Lockers

3. Standard Steel Lockers

4. Personal Effects Lockers

5. Charging Tool Lockers

6. Probe Ultrabox Lockers

7. Let’s Work Together

Changing rooms must provide seating, these benches are essential for employees who have to change into their uniform at work; an example of this it kitchen work. 

Wire Mesh lockers provide excellent security whilst keep visibility into each locker compartment, this allows sufficient air flow.

This traditional locker design ensures a safe location for staff  or visitors to store their personal items as well as being customisable to the organisation or are they are going to be located.

These small compartments are ideal for workers to store phones, wallets and keys without the thought of theft looming over them. 

Have you ever gone to use a power tool and it has run out of juice, annoying right? Never again with charging tool lockers, ensure that your tools are adequately charged every time for every job.

Plastic lockers are tough and durable, very suitable for outside storage with a colourful twist. Also featuring an antibacterial surface keeping users safe at all times.

The Direct2U team can assist with planning, designing, product and purchasing. Call our friendly team today on 01922 715 130 alternatively you can live chat with us through our website.