Tag Archive: recycling

Creating the Perfect Break Room for Your Employees

We all appreciate a little me time while we are at work. Whether your day is spent in front of a computer in an office, selling to customers on the shop floor, or running after children all day, having a good canteen space or break room to retreat to is essential. Not only does a great canteen area provide a comfortable place to spend your break time, it acts as a centre of socialising amongst employees and a great way to make friends at work. When creating or upgrading your previous break area, there’s no need to break the bank… Read more

The Myths of Recycling

Why should we recycle? We can all make a difference to the environment we live in by recycling. By simply changing the way you throw away your waste you cab help to reduce the use to use more natural resources and decrease the need for more landfills! Not only this, recycling saves a lot of money and reduces the need to consume and product more waste. Sounds easy right? It is! There is many myths surrounding recycling and what you can and cannot recycle. We have decided to give the real answers about the biggest myths to recycling to make… Read more

A Christmas Tale

Christmas Tale D2U Featured Image

We write today with a story on how we managed to save Christmas for one of our customers. As we all know. The festive period is hectic, and stock levels are very hard to predict. This is why this enquiry was particularly difficult to resolve. We were approached by our customer early December regarding the availability of a wheelie bin suitable for domestic/indoor use. Although this sounds like a strange request. Our customer told us of how their young son had only asked Santa for a wheelie bin for Christmas, to go in his room. As a family run business…. Read more