Tag Archive: snow

Weather Update & Website News

weather update and website update

Weather update: Britain will see a white Christmas according to forecasters. For most of us this weather update is becoming more and more believable every day, particularly after Storm Angus’ appearance this week. Many across the nation experienced 80mph winds and flooding. Although it’s still technically a bit too early to forecast Christmas weather, there’s several good indicators that suggest it’s possible. Storm Angus has left more than 1000 properties in the south west without power. The storm also left a lot of the UK battered with trees falling and ice dominating roadways. However, don’t expect too much snow to… Read more

Severe Cold & Snow set for UK

Cold and Snow set for UK

The coldest and snow-iest Winter for five years is about to hit the UK soon. Experts believe Britain is on the brink of a major Arctic freeze and citizens should be ready to face the the most snow winter has seen for years. Forecasters have predicted that next month we will see a blast of ‘potent’ severe weather and snow lasting four months. The UK will witness its first momentous and disruptive snowfall for five years promising chaos. The Science of Snow The bitter forecast is due to subtle changes in the atmospheric pressure. Such changes will lead to freezing… Read more