Tag Archive: office cleaning

Working from Home – Keeping Motivated

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 the UK has found a huge increase of people having to work from home and socially distance themselves. Working from home is not always easy as there is often many more distractions and a lot more freedom in hours, causing some people to procrastinate. Here are some tips on how to create an effective working environment within your home. Creating your Work Space Firstly, you need to create an area within your home which is for working. If you have room, a separate desk with the work essentials permanently set up is great for… Read more

Our NEW Janitorial Range

Every company has the need for janitorial and cleaning equipment regardless of company sector or size. Our new category puts everything you could need together to make finding and buying cleaning and janitorial products easy. Cleanliness is importance in the workplace, both ensuring to keep germs at bay and reducing illnesses being spread throughout the workplace. Having a tidy and clean work environment can also increase productivity. Positives of a clean and tidy office: Reducing office injuries – Slips and falls are the most common office injuries. Having the correct cleaning equipment means all staff can clean up that spill… Read more