Anti-Fatigue Matting: The Benefits

Anti-fatigue matting has been designed to reduce fatigue and pressure pain caused by standing for long periods of time on hard, cold floors.

Which floors are the worst offenders for fatigue?

  • Cement / concrete floors
  • Factory floors
  • Warehouse floors

Anti-fatigue matting is manufactured from a variety of materials including rubber, carpet, vinyl and wood. Whatever the material they have the same design brief: to absorb shock and provide a cushioning effect to reduce the effects of fatigue.

Why use anti-fatigue matting?

  1. Decrease Foot Weariness – for workers who stand in one position for long periods of time an anti-fatigue mat can relieve the pressure pain on joints stopping them from seizing up.
  2. Stop stiffness and Poor Circulation – the surface of an anti-fatigue mat encourages subtle leg and calf movements which in turn increases blood flow and oxygen flow for better circulation, helping to prevent tiredness and stiffness that you otherwise would experience.
  3. Conserve Energy – tests have shown that when workers stand on an anti-fatigue mat they use less energy conserving as much as 50%.
  4. Distribution of Pressure – matting also helps to distribute the pressure over a larger surface area absorbing some of the impact from standing.

What does the HSE say?

An estimated 439,000 workers in 2011/12 suffered from MSD (Musculoskeletal disorders) caused or made worse by their current or past work, which on average equates to 25 days absence per incident. About 20% of all work-related MSDs affect the lower limbs which is why anti-fatigue matting is so essential. By managing the risks of fatigue you can reduce the number of cases in your workplace bringing benefits to your business and the health of your employees.

HSE also reminds us that anti-fatigue matting should not contribute to an increased risk of slips and trips in the workplace. Therefore, take a look at the different types of anti-fatigue mats that are available, some of which combine anti-slip and anti-trip properties.

How to spot the symptoms of fatigue?

The diagram below details what you need to know about fatigue and how to spot the symptoms which include: tiredness, back pain, swollen ankles and Varicose Veins.


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