
Thermal Comfort: Workplace Matting for Winter

Thermal Comfort: Workplace Matting

Thermal comfort describes workers’ state of mind when it comes to whether they feel too hot or too cold. Environmental, work-related, and personal factors affect thermal comfort in the workplace. As an employer, you have control over some environmental factors, such as sources of heat in the workplace and can influence personal factors (how much employees can modify their clothing to be more comfortable). Unfortunately, environmental factors (air temperature, humidity) and work-related factors (how physically demanding the work is) are harder to monitor and tackle. By taking special care in monitoring thermal comfort, you can improve morale and productivity in the… Read more

Stair Safety in the Workplace

Stair Safety in the Workplace

According to the HSE, there were 119 000 reported cases of work-related slips, trips and falls last year. Slips happen when there isn’t enough traction between the footwear and walking surface, whereas trips happen when the foot gets caught in an object, causing the loss of balance. The types of injuries in non-fatal stair accidents are bruises, bone fractures and sprains. Stair safety can help reduce these risks by reviewing a few practices! If slips and trips in the stairway are common in your workplace, review the stair design first and foremost. Ensure that the stair width is adequate for… Read more

Floor Marking Colour Scheme: Benefits & Guidelines

Floor Marking Colour Scheme Benefits & Guidelines

How can a workplace become more efficient at managing people, goods and machinery? The answer lies in planning a workspace from the ground up. Whether it is during the initial planning stage or after having established a natural flow of traffic, the secret to any well-organised workplace is a set of colour codes and guidelines, such as the ‘5S Floor Marking Colour Standard’. Thankfully, Floor Marking Tape is the most cost-effective solution. The benefits of a Floor Marking Colour Scheme Provides an orderly and safe flow of goods and helps in directing traffic along aisles and pathways. Ensures better organisation and… Read more

Anti-Fatigue Matting and the Benefits

Anti-Fatigue Matting - the Benefits

What are Anti-fatigue mats? An ergonomic mat which has been designed to take the strain of standing on a hard surface for a long time. As well as reducing the fatigue it causes. Standing or walking on hard surfaces for extended period of time can be quite tiring due to the impact on your feet and legs. Standing in the same place is even worse as it creates pressure points and can reduce circulation in the lower half of your body. An Anti-fatigue mat come in many different materials such as: Vinyl Rubber Foam Gel Different degrees of thicknesses to the mat allows… Read more