
UDL Explained


Taking a glance through our product descriptions and one term that pops up frequently is ‘UDL’. A common question we get asked is what do you mean by UDL? And when you put search the internet for answers incomplete or confusing results appear, so we thought it was time to delve in and explain UDL completely. What does UDL mean? UDL or ‘Uniformly Distributed Load’ is used by manufacturers to explain how much weight can be safely placed upon an object. It is a phrase commonly used to describe the load capacity of workbenches, scissor lifts, shelving and racking. The… Read more


Welcome to our new and improved workbenches site! The site has under gone an extreme style over haul in order to bring it into the 21st Century. We have introduced a few new features that should make it easier to navigate and shop. We hope that the new design will improve your shopping experience and that you enjoy browsing the new site! What’s new? The new header and drop down menu allows you to navigate through our ranges quickly. We have organised our ranges into easy to find categories, to make your shopping experience as efficient as possible. Along with… Read more

Deciding on Your Workbench Specification

The Size and Positioning The optimum size of the workbench depends on the work that is to be done, the space you have available and of course budget. Deciding where to position your bench is also important. Some people like to have access to all sides whereas other people prefer the bench to be next to a wall. There are benefits for both. If your workbenches are being used to create a production line then being able to place them  against a wall is high unlikely as well as impractical. However, if you have an individual work area then there… Read more

Timber Workbenches: Best Bits

Why use  timber workbenches? Well, our range of timber workbenches were designed and manufactured for use in industrial, commercial, educational centres and home workshops amongst many more applications.  What makes timber workbenches so good? Thanks to the use of solid timber, the construction and frame of the workbench is extremely robust We offer a wide range of accessories to help you tailor your workbench and workstation to suit your needs Not sure what worktop to choose? Don’t worry, we have a variety to choose from including plywood, vinyl and hardwood Clear varnish finish: varnish creates a hard wearing and long… Read more