The Rumours are True – Winter is Coming…

winter-is-coming-blogIf over the last few months parts of the UK hadn’t had enough bad weather; the latest news is that it’s only going to get worse!

It’s seems that over we have had storm after storm hit the UK this winter, and now we are faced with the news that an Arctic cold snap is heading our way. New satellite reports show that there is artic weather on its way which will make the UK’s average temperature plummet to below -10 degrees overnight.

If winter wasn’t already on its way – it certainly is now!

The Artic weather will bring up to two feet of snow for some areas and sub-zero temperatures within days. It’s expected to hit the country after the weekend and another bout of rainfall, which is expected to turn into snow fall in the north of the country as soon as Friday.

This new cold weather front threatens to bring more misery to families across the north of the UK that are still coming to terms with the devastation that Storm Frank has brought, and it is only going to make the clean-up operation longer and more difficult. The cold weather is predicted to turn roads into ice rinks and cause more problems for the homes and businesses that have already been flooded.

The predicted cold spell will be a shock to the system for most, as we’ve enjoyed very mild weather this winter until now. However, others will be glad of the cold weather as it will kill off germs and bugs which have made colds rife so far this winter.

It’s true December 2015 has been a record breaking month.

Last month was the wettest and mildest December on record and the wettest month in history (records date back to 1910)! Average temperatures of 7.9˚C in December beat the previous record of 6.9˚C which was set in 1934.

The outlook for January is that it will be stormy and much colder than our late weather with high winds. By Tuesday next week the Met Office are predicting that temperatures in London will have dropped to a maximum of 5˚C in the day and will be as low as 0˚C at night, with very strong winds.

Be Prepared for the Winter Weather

So how can we be prepared for this winter weather?

The Met Office Advice is the following:

  • Prepare your property and vehicle ahead of winter, and take responsibility for your own safety.
  • Be aware of the latest weather forecasts and warnings from the Met Office.
  • Be prepared to alter your plans in times of severe weather.
  • Look after the elderly and more vulnerable in your community.

So it’s certainly time to get your de-icer ready and invest in some winter essentials. Keeping a warm hi-vis jacket in your car and having rock salt and a snow shovel to hand is always a sensible idea.

Here are some of our tips and advice for keeping your homes and work premises safe in the cold weather.

  1. Clear walkways before the heavy footfall

It’s easier to remove fresh snow than it is to remove it once it has been walked on and compacted. So, making sure the safest pathways are clear before employees arrive at work is a good idea.

  1. Use rock salt to help clear snow and melt ice

You should always have a bag or two of rock salt to hand, if desperate sand and ash can be used, but it won’t be as good as quality rock salt. Make sure the walkway has a generous amount of rock salt on the surface which will help to keep the walkway ice free during the day and most of all safe!

  1. Use rock salt at night to prevent ice refreezing

Another tip is to cover walkways with rock salt before the temperatures drop at night, to prevent refreezing. It will also make it easier to keep on top of clearing the walkways the next day.

  1. Don’t use water!

Whatever you do, don’t use water; as it is more than likely going to freeze and cause more danger.  Instead you should rely on rock salt to melt ice.

  1. Check that you have all the necessary winter essentials to keep you and your colleagues safe

Winter essentials include things such as rock salt, grit bins, snow shovels and spreaders. Salt spreaders and snow ploughs are particularly useful for larger premises, as they can help you clear snow and ice in half the time.

>>Buy your Winter Essentials here<<<



Met Office (2015) ‘Get Ready for Winter’. Available at: [Accessed on 06/01/16].

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