Wheelie Bins Blog

News & Info from Wheelie Bins Direct2U

Blog Posts

Litter Bins ‘Go Large’ at Sea Fronts

Litter Bins Go Large

Beach Clean Up Operation Lytham & St. Anne’s sea front have supersized their wheelie bins in hopes to encourage the public to dispose of their litter correctly. The local councils are constantly fighting the battle to reduce the amount of litter on the beach; as well as emptying the existing bins quick enough for the volume of people using them. “Everyone has a responsibility to clean up after themselves, and we appreciate that in the height of the summer the bins fill up quicker then we can empty them” The larger capacity bins will provide more space for litter although… Read more

Mid-Year Recycling Bin Picks [July 2017]

Mid-Year Recycling Bin Picks

Summer is hitting us hard in the West Midlands. We’ve entered the second part of the year [since July 2] but the temperatures don’t seem to be dropping! That’s bad news for your bins, with more unwelcome noxious smells filling our nostrils & interiors stained from simmering liquids and debris. The heat doesn’t help much with inspiring us to get up and empty our bins as often. The only tried and tested solution we could find was to divide and conquer, and by that we mean recycling. Waste segregation is not only good for the planet [less waste dumped in… Read more

Cleaning your Wheelie Bin & Maintenance Tips

Cleaning your Wheelie Bin & Maintenance Tips

Wheelie bins allow for an easier and more secure waste collection system, for you and your local council! Because they come in many sizes, they can cater to any household size. Thanks to their mobility, keeping them out of sight until collection day is made easy. As the warmer weather sets in, wheelie bins become somewhat of a health hazard, especially if they are neglected. Flies and maggots (the larva state of common houseflies) become an issue, and the smell of decomposing food waste starts to attract pests, and repel human beings! Wheelie bins are airtight by design. However, the… Read more

5 Ways to a Greener Workplace

5 Ways to a Greener Workplace

Creating a greener workplace is more challenging than creating a greener living one. Battling structures, tight budgets and human habits is no mean feat! The British Assessment Bureau claims that ‘bad waste practices are costing UK businesses at least £15 billion per year’. However, there are 5 areas you can improve by making small changes, potentially leading to the adoption of greener habits! Select and practice a few points per area, and notice how your contribution can help rewire your workplace into the green ideal it could be. In each area, we recommend indoor or outdoor bins for your business as well! 1…. Read more