Walk for Dreams 2015

walk-for-dreams-2015On Sunday 13th September a team from Direct2U took part in ‘Walk for Dreams’ 2015.

We had a fabulous fun filled day raising money for our chosen charity Promise Dreams. Everyone managed to complete the 9 mile walk from Himley Hall to Wolverhampton Racecourse in a good time. We were extremely lucky with the weather as the sun shined for us all day. The forecast of rain and showers seemed to pass us by!

walk-for-dreams-2015-1On the day there were laughs, sneaky pit stops at MacDonald’s to re-energise along the way and definitely sore feet by the end! But it was certainly all worth it to see the difference that this charity makes and how they put a smile on everyone’s face.

walk-for-dreams-2015-2It was lovely to be greeted by family at the end as we crossed the finish line at Dunstall Park. There was time to relax, get some food and drinks and the children had a great time on the bouncy castles and slides! Even the adults joined in with a game of gladiators (I’m not sure how they had the energy!).

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walk-for-dreams-2015-3This was the second year that we had taken part in the walk and it didn’t fail to meet expectations. There were familiar faces at the start line to cheer all the walkers on including patrons of the charity Steve Bull and Don Goodman.

Walk for Dreams is the major annual fundraising event for Promise Dreams, which enables them to continue their amazing work. So far Promise Dreams believe £18,000 has been raised by this year’s event, and some money is still being collected in. They hope the total will go over the £20,000 mark! This amount of money is huge for the charity and will go such a long way.

So far we have raised around £900 and we too are still collecting in our sponsors. To put this amount into perspective £800 could transform a child’s bedroom from a clinical space to a bright and colourful children’s bedroom. Or it would transform a garden into a sensory garden full of different smells, noises, texture and sights that would be soothing and relaxing for a child. Or a £1000 would buy a specialist car seat that would enable a poorly child to travel without pain.

One of the truly amazing things about raising money for this small charity is that every penny goes to the children. What’s more the charity takes great care in tracing all of the donated money, so that everybody who donates can see exactly which children they have helped and how they have helped them.

Each time we donate money to Promise Dreams and take part in their events we are humbled by their gratitude and amazed by how the smallest of donations can make such a huge difference for the children and the families who require the support of the charity.

From all at Direct2U we would like to say thank you and well done to the Promise Dreams team for putting on another successful and safe event!


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