Tag Archive: cleaning wheelie bins

10 FAQ’s Answered: Wheelie Bin Edition

Answering all your wheelie bin FAQ's!

Today we are answering all your Googled FAQ’s around wheelie bin do’s and don’ts! Continue reading to get all your FAQ’s answered in one place! According to the Department for Environmental Food & Rural Affairs it is estimated that the UK generated 43.9 million tonnes of commercial and industrial waste in 2018 (latest figures). So, its worth checking out! Q1: Can I buy my own wheelie bin? Yes, due to increased waste in the household from product packages, and food waste, it now might be time to purchase yourself an extra bin to keep tidy! Our most popular are our… Read more

Direct2U Wheelie Bins ~ for all your needs

Could you really live without them? Admittedly wheelie bins are not the most luxurious or glamorous of items. But they serve a vital purpose, and we should give them more credit. They are truly the unsung heroes of our everyday lives. So, what are they constructed of, and why are Direct2U wheelie bins’ so long-lasting and dependable? Let us tell you about it! Great for strong weather conditions. Our TUFF Wheelie Bins are made from Polyethylene (EU standards EN840). This means that it is ideal for outdoor use and exceptionally resistant to cracks, dents and bends. Allowing it to withstand… Read more

Keeping Wheelie Bins Clean

We know that a lot of people aren’t up on their wheelie bin cleanliness but a bit of maintenance every once in while wheelie pays off! You would be correct in thinking that wheelie bins are a place to dump all your rubbish and be a bit messy but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t good reasons to keep it in check, here are some of those reasons: They wheelie smell: Most people take it as a given that their bin will smell, however, bad smells can attract all kinds of unwanted visitors such as flies and rodents. Thanks to… Read more

Our Wheelie Bin Top Tips

Wheelie bins are a regular part in our refuse collection, so here are some top tips from Wheelie Bins Direct2U to help you look after and keep your wheelie bin safe. 1)      Keeping Your Wheelie Bin Clean No-one likes a dirty wheelie bin, it’s not only unhygienic for you and refuse collectors to handle, but can increase the number of flies and pests attracted to your waste. Bagging your waste is the easiest way to keep your bin clean. Some recommend ‘double bagging’ using plastic carrier bags for your waste then placing the carrier bags in a bin liner. It… Read more