Tag Archive: health and safety

Importance of Safety Barriers In The Workplace

safety barriers in the workplace - the importance of warehouse barriers

Safety Barriers In The Workplace and Their Importance Safety Barriers play a crucial role in protecting the work environment. Barriers safeguard personnel, machinery and infrastructure. We use them for many different purposes such as: Where Are Barrier Systems Typically Used? Barrier systems are generally used in any industrial environment, commercial space, airports, roadways and shopping centres. They are essential as they highlight hazards in an area. As well as highlight any risks to employees and the public. Why Is It The Employers Responsibility to Install Barriers? As an employer, it is your responsibility to protect the health and safety of… Read more

Health and Safety: Working at Height Fines

Health and Safety: Working at Height Fines A West Midlands roofing company has been fined after a safety official passed them working and spotted an employee working unsafely at height with no fall protection in place at all.   The incident was reported by the safety official after the chance sighting on 26th September 2013 and the firm was prosecuted yesterday (28th April). Sandwell Magistrates Court heard that an inspector for the Health and Safety Executive was on the industrial estate when he saw two of the firms’ employees on a fragile roof of a nearby business unit. He noted… Read more

How To Reduce Slips and Trips Risks In The Workplace


How To Reduce Slips and Trips Risks In The Workplace The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone affected by their work within practical reason by balancing the level of risk against the measures needed to control the risk in relation to time, trouble and money. Such risks include slips and trips. The management of Healthy and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require employers to assess risks and take actions to address them if necessary. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 require floors to be… Read more

Health and Safety in the Workplace

Workplaces which involve employees in decisions about health and safety are generally much safer and healthier environments to work in. Collaborating with employees not only helps to manage health and safety in practical ways, but also helps to ensure employees can voice their own concerns about health and safety and are able to have some say in the practises implemented. Employees are likely to spot the workplace risks, and having personnel involvement will encourage them to bring any risks to attention. Also, it is employees who are expected to ensure health and safety controls are practised. Through collaboration this is… Read more