Author Archive: direct2u

Cylinder & Drum Storage – An Introduction

At Safety Direct2U we know that compliance with Health & Safety regulations is of greatest concern to all employers. More often than not. When we begin our research into Health and Safety requirements it becomes somewhat of a minefield. As well as incredibly daunting. That’s why we have put together this concise list of key considerations. To give introductory help and support towards your Cylinder and Drum Storage policy. Storing Drums and Cylinders. Where do we start? First and foremost, it is important to properly understand the substance that you are storing. In addition to any potential hazards it could… Read more

Prevent the Theft of Your Keyless Starting Car with a Parking Post and More

Prevent the Theft of Your Keyless Starting Car with a Parking Posts and More Featured Image

Keyless Entry and Keyless Start We saw a surge in car crime last year, with most areas of the UK up year on year. The Midlands, more specifically saw the greatest increase, rising by over 200% on 2014-2018 (Direct Line Group). Furthermore, statistics conclude the total number of vehicle related crimes in the UK increased to over 113,000 in 2018.  This consequently equates to one report of a stolen vehicle every five minutes. At Safety Direct2U we ask what is fueling this dramatic increase? As more and more of us invest in newer, more efficient vehicles. We are opting for the… Read more

An Introduction to CoSHH and CoSHH Cabinets

An Introduction to CoSHH and CoSHH Cabinets Blog Featured Image

In this article, we aim to highlight the main points of consideration when handling and storing substances that can be considered as hazardous to health. With particular reference to CoSHH Cabinets and CoSHH Cupboards as a means of safe storage. First and foremost, What is CoSHH? In short, CoSHH is an abbreviation of a technical term, which is Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. CoSHH is a health and safety legislation which is regulated by the government. In particular, CoSHH law binds all employers to take the relevant steps to minimise the risk of harm from chemicals that they store… Read more

Six Easy Ways to Improve Health and Safety in the Workplace

Six Easy Ways to Improve Health and Safety in the Workplace

The health and safety at work act (1974) outlines the main duty of care that both employers and employees have towards their workers and colleagues. Fundamentally the legislation helps ensure that working environments are safe, secure and clean, with all risks and hazards effectively managed, monitored and recorded. Above all most working environments are different and will need a more tailored risk management procedure, but there are some primary tasks you can take to achieve a safer working environment. Subsequently both your risk assessments and health and safety policies should devise a systematic procedure to effectively manage any risks. Here… Read more