
Office Furniture: Preventing Back Problems

Office Furniture: Preventing Back Problems One in every five staff absences is related to back pain, providing employees with the correct office furniture can prevent or help back pain and reduce back related absences. There are so many products now on the market to help employers improve posture and the welfare of employees. Not only do back problems affect attendance to work but back issues can also affect concentration, mood and sleep. Correct Workstation Setup Ensuring your workstation is correctly set up is a good place to start, to help prevent or reduce back pain. There are 6 key measurements… Read more

Are you staying healthy at work?

Stay healthy at work

Work can be the cause of many health issues including eye strain, back pain and much more. It’s important to be aware of factors affecting your health and how to improve them. Use these fun and easy DIY health checks to make sure you’re in tip top condition. These tests will cover everything from brain to body strength and can be done easily in the workplace! Chinese Whispers How to: Ask someone to stand approximately a meter behind you and whisper the following sounds: ‘mm’, ‘oo’, ‘ah’, ‘ee’ and ‘sh’ in a random order. Now see if you can repeat… Read more

New year, new you: Work edition

new year new you at work

We’ve all heard the cliché and made endless resolutions we’ll never stick to. We start out with the best intentions but often, our resolutions aren’t realistic. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of 5 simple and productive resolutions you can do at work. Ultimately leading to a happier and healthier you. 1. Go to bed earlier It’s an obvious one. Its so easy to get wrapped up in social media and YouTube videos when you know you should be asleep. Try giving yourself a deadline to set your phone down for the night and really unwind. According to health.com good sleep… Read more

5 Ways Businesses Can Support Charity

Ways for Business to Support Charity

Charity & business partnerships are essential for ensuring organisations can continue their great work. In our last post, ‘5 Reasons to Support a Charity’ we highlighted all the benefits of doing so. In this post, we will look at how to support a charity through your business. Along with the most obvious ways such as monetary donations, there are other more creative ways. Carry on reading to find out more! Charity Donation Match A popular way to encourage customers to contribute to your cause is to match their donations. On the other hand, you could invite them to match yours…. Read more