Creativity: 10 ways to improve yours


Create Creativity – 10 tips for enhancing your workplace

Creativity is vital in all companies. Every business and organisation is full of forward thinking people. Ultimately. creativity is vital for higher engagement levels, happiness and innovative ideas. It has become more and more important for employers to encourage creativity through incentives and schemes.

Ideas include break out zones equipped with games such as ping pong or pool tables. On the other hand, take the opposite approach and opt for quiet zones that provoke creative thinking. Meanwhile, other employers establish a creativity culture by encouraging staff to learn new skills.

Many employers find it challenging to embrace the change that comes with creative thinking. Consequently, strategies are now moving further away from the rigidity of traditional methods. Being open to change and testing out ideas is a scary and threatening prospect for many.

Many believe that creative thoughts flow more freely when people can relax. Therefore, providing employees chance to get away from everyday activities they can open their mind to new ideas. In conclusions, reflection and deliberation is easier when able to remove yourself from a project.

  • Inspired and hired

  • According to studies 67% of bosses in Britain think that creativity is key for business and 64% of them will employ due to creative abilities.

  • Musical chairs

  • Experts recommend employees to sit in a different seat everyday. Therefore, they can get an insight into other people’s work and learn from them. This is becoming more and more popular in the UK with of Hot Desking.

  • Go green

  • Introducing natural elements such as plants, natural light etc. can increase overall productivity. People who work in places such as this report a 15% high level of wellbeing and 15% more creativity. Natural light, view of the sea, indoor plants and bright colours are the most popular features that employees desire.

  • Share-sies

  • Many big companies provide employees with a forum to share their ideas, concerns and suggestions. As a result of providing this outlet, employees feel their opinions and ideas are of value.

  • Turn it up

  • Music has been proven to enhance mental wellbeing which leads to creativity. A Totaljobs study revealed that 79% people said they would benefit from listening to music at work. Also, 59% of people said music improves their wellbeing and overall mood.

  • All ears

  • Only 57% of employees feel their management are receptive to new ideas meaning UK businesses are failing to value the creativity of their staff.

  • Popularity culture

  • Businesses who employ culturally engaged people report a 40% higher customer satisfaction. As a result, they also found a 30% increase in productivity and 36% increase in overall performance.

  • Food for thought

  • Some companies have started running lunch and learn sessions designed to increase knowledge, engagement and communication. While this is still a new concept. we think anything that involves cake is a good idea.

  • Spacing out

  • Being confined to one space can leave employees feeling trapped and can lead to lethargy. Innovative employees are those who have options of work spaces. These spaces can be boardrooms, pod like areas and social spaces. Innovative employees tend to spend 74% of the working week in the office and are 2 x more likely to use outdoor spaces.

  • Creative economy

  • 8 out of 10 people believe unlocking creative potential is critical to economic growth. However, only a quarter of these people feel they fulfil their own potential creatively. How can this be improved? 71% of degree level professionals want to see creative thinking being taught in mainstream education.

For more information and stats visit the links below:

The Guardian: Creativity post

PA Life: Britain’s bosses think creativity is key for business

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