Notice Boards: Communication is Key

Notice boards are essential to every office just like office desks and chairs.

A notice board is a valuable way to communicate with member of staff, customers, pupils and even the public.

Whatever the working environment it is a hard and relentless task trying to keep all personnel up to date with the latest information, events and schedules. Whilst emails are the most popular form of communication these days, they can go un-opened, and be filtered in to Spam or even deleted. A noticeboard can be updated regularly and is likely to be checked and used if place in a busy area with plenty of footfall.

So what kind of places should you use a notice board…

  • In offices which work to a schedule or are project managed a notice board for the latest schedule and updates can be the best place to share this information. Placed in a communal area or in the office everyone will be visually reminded of the task in hand and the progress being made (at the very least it should ensure everyone is organised!).notice-boards
  • In reception areas and places such as doctors surgeries a notice board may be used to provide the latest news and announcements, as well as providing any health and safety notices or directions to destinations.
  • Notice boards are also a great way to communicate with staff, pupils and the public if feedback is required. Questionnaires and feedback forms can be pinned to the board with a large envelop and pens so that it is easy for people to fill in the forms and leave in the envelop provided to be collected later. This way completing questionnaires will be hassle free without taking up anyone’s time.
  • You can even purchase notice boards suitable for outdoor areas where the latest events, for instance, for a community hall, centre or church can be advertised to the public.

At Office Furniture Direct2U our range of notice boards is extensive, so you are sure to find the ideal solution for your communicating needs. All notice boards we stock are of the highest quality with an affordable price tag and don’t forget we offer Free Delivery to UK mainland.

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