New Office Design Leads to Creativity and Inspiration

In recent years there has been a tread in turning claustrophobic cubicle office desks into open co-working areas. It is proven that a new office furniture design can lead to a better, more productive business.

Whilst you may think cubicle desking allows for employees to concentrate, it can have an adverse effect leading to distractions and employees feeling isolated in the office, which in turn will have a negative effect on morale.

Instead an open office space encourages collaboration, socialisation and free movement, allowing your employees to feel part of a greater team.

Open office design is the source of creativity and inspiration.

In your office design you should consider a canteen or break out area which can become somewhere that employees can talk and bond. Areas such as these are anything but a waste of the company’s time and money. In actual fact such interaction can lead to employees sharing ideas and help solving each other’s work related problems.

Huge corporations such as Google and Amazon are already the forerunners in office furniture design, providing unique work areas for employees such as relaxation rooms, lounge areas and allowing interactive gaming sessions during lunch breaks!

We understand that smaller business may be on a budget and can’t afford to completely re-think their office space or replicate the offices of giant corporations. However, there are some small things that may be done to create an ideal open plan office.

After all, a customised office design needn’t be too expensive or extravagant.

Firstly, open up your office by taking down large board partitions, this will instantly provide light and open spaces so that employees feel part of a greater team.

Secondly, think about Comfort! There is nothing worse than sitting on an uncomfortable chair or at a poorly designed desk for 8 hours a day. There are many cost effective office desks available which can be customised with privacy boards to create working areas. And if you are going to prioritise spending money on one thing, it should probably be office chairs as they alone will create a happy and healthy team.Open Plan Office Design

Thirdly, when arranging the office desks into the space available think about allowing enough space around each desk for walkways. Also, you mustn’t forget about storage requirements. This is usually an afterthought but whilst designing your office think about where you will keep your files and paper work.

Sometimes designing an office can be confusing and difficult especially if you don’t know the products well. That’s why we offer a free site survey with no obligation to help you create the ideal office space for your needs and employees.

To see more of our ranges and office decor ideas visit our pinterest board

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