Office Chairs: The Importance of Posture

For the majority of us who spend eight hours or more sitting in office chairs this guidance might be of particular interest.

Sitting for long durations has proven to be harmful to health. But there are a few things that everyone can do whilst at work for a healthier working day.

For instance, try to stand up every half an hour to walk around for a bit, even if it is to make a drink or get some fresh air. Also, the next time you need to speak to someone, instead of calling them or sending an email try to go and see them. This will not only provide a break from a computer screen but will provide an opportunity to walk around.

It is also important that you sit correctly whilst working at your desk. Here are some of our top tips:

  • Adjust your office chair so that it supports your back and it is high enough so Office Chair Posturethat you can use a keyboard with your wrists and forearms level to the floor.
  • Feet should be flat on the floor. If you cannot put your feet on the floor then you should use a foot rest.
  • Try not to cross your legs as this can cut off circulation.
  • Computer screens should be positioned at eye level directly in front of you.
  • Try to keep your mouse and other items close to you without feeling overcrowded.

If you follow these simple steps and are still uncomfortable whilst sat at your desk then you may require new office chairs.

It is essential to have an office chair which is chosen for you and your needs, especially as this is where you spend most of your working day. There are many different styles to choose from including: managers chairs, operator chairs, mesh chairs and 24 hour use chairs!

The key features you should look for when making your choice are:

  • is the chair adjustable (height, back, tilt)
  • do you require arms
  • does the chair have a sturdy base which will allow an easy glide movement
  • is the back padded if extra support is required
  • is the material breathable or mesh if long periods of time are spent sitting

This article is just a quick insight into how to sit correctly whilst at work and how to choose an appropriate office chair which will allow good posture. For further guidance and information on How to Sit Correctly we suggest you take a look at the NHS website.

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