Arson attacks on Wheelie Bins

Arson Attacks on Wheelie Bins

Residents asked to keep wheelie bins safe

Following a series of wheelie bin arson attacks, the residents of Frome, Somerset were asked to exercise caution. The Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service issued a statement on February 15 advising residents and businesses to secure their waste containers out of sight. They explained that wheelie bins kept against walls and under windows might endanger the lives of anyone inside the building.

In their latest press release, the Fire & Rescue Service reminded the public that arson is a serious crime and is punishable by law with a prison sentence and significant fine. They urge anyone with information to contact Crimestoppers. Any details can be communicated anonymously.

The latest in a series of arson attacks

Just a few weeks before, Bridgewater Press reports, firefighters rushed to stop a fire that spread from three wheelie bins to a fence and several Conifer trees in Burnham-on-Sea.

Towards the end of October 2016, four wheelie bins were set on fire in a quick succession. The first one was a plastic wheelie bin. Industrial-sized bins near local businesses became the targets for the next two fires. The fourth bin set alight was near to the Santander bank, reports Plymouth Herald.

What seems to be a long series of arson attacks goes back several years. In May 2014, the police launched an investigation following an attack in Bridgewater. Yeovil Press reports that the fire started in a wheelie bin produced “heat and smoke [that] spread to a bin store” and consequently damaged “an adjoining flat including warped guttering, fuse boxes, a cracked window and roof tiles.”

The Devon & Somerset Service commented that “some of these commercial properties have homes and flats above them and they could be put at risk by these fires.” They added that they’ve had “the smoke enter open windows and set off fire alarms,” and “embers rising up, catching net curtains and setting rooms on fire.”

Keep your bins away from fire incidents

In their last press release, they encourage residents and business owners to not let their wheelie bins become targets for arsonists. The Rescue & Fire Service for this reason published a list of safety tips to the public, that we highly recommend should always be followed to prevent fires, deliberate or not.

  1. Store wheelie bins away at night. Ensure they are out of sight so they do not become targets.
  2. Keep bins behind locked gates. If possible, secure them behind doors in a backyard. To prevent wheelie bin theft, we recommend Wheelie Bin Locks.
  3. Only take bins out for collection. Place bins on the roadside on collection day and promptly bring them back inside afterwards.
  4. Keep bins away from entrances and windows. As a result, this will help discourage the spread of fires to your property.
  5. Do not overfill waste containers. Make sure you can close your wheelie bin properly and avoid placing loose rubbish around them.
  6. Do not place hot items in bins. Notably, smoking materials, wood & coal embers and ash should not be disposed of while still hot.

Wheelie Bin Lock

For more information on how to take care of your wheelie bin, read our blog. Alternatively, we also sell a wide range of Wheelie Bin Sizes and offer Wheelie Bin Locks. Live chat with us for more details!

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