The Correct Way to Store Hazardous Substances

COSHH regulations are the Guidance on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and require that companies working with dangerous substances should do all they can to prevent and reduce the risk of employees coming into exposure of them. Click here for a free document download called ‘working with substances hazardous to health: A brief guide to COSHH’ Provided by HSE.
Hazardous substances can come in many different forms, use this check list to make sure you know what may be a risk to people’s health and what needs storing correctly.

• Chemicals
• Gases
• Fumes
• Vapours
• Dusts
• Mists
• Asphyxiating gases
• Biological agents
• Nanotechnology

Safety Direct2U’s range of Hazardous Storage makes it easy to identity which cabinets and cupboards are correct for storing which substances, by naming them in a simple and effective manner. Categories include general Hazardous Storage, Petroleum and Flammable Liquids Storage, Acid and Alkali Substance storage and Agrochemical and Pesticide Storage. Diect2U’s safety cupboards and cabinets come in a range of different sizes to suit your storage needs or environment space.
Most cupboards and cabinets feature:

• 2-piont locking system
• Adjustable spill-retaining galvanised shelves
• Internal sump for handling spills through the use of absorbents
• Adjustable shelves
• Pre-drilled for easy mounting


Safety Direct2U’s Hazardous Storage Cupboards

By visiting Safety Direct2U’s website you will also find Mobile Cupboards and Cabinets, Hazardous Storage Vaults, Chemical Transit Boxes, Spill Control and more, along with extra shelves, stands and other accessories you might need. There is also a live chat feature for any more in-depth questions you might have about hazardous storage. We hope this as been useful and please visit soon.



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