Tag Archive: health and safety

First Aid: The Basics for Business

First Aid

All businesses are required to have first aid arrangements in place for their workplace, which all personnel should be aware of. As an employer you have a responsibility to make sure employees receive immediate first aid attention if they have an accident or are suddenly taken ill on your premises. Accidents and illnesses are unpredictable so it is imperative that the correct first aid equipment is kept on site, and that all staff are kept updated with any change of your business’s first aid procedures. The minimum requirement to meet first aid regulations in the workplace is that you have:… Read more

Do You Have The Correct Personal Protective Equipment?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is often required in many industrial work environments and should be readily available for all employees at risk to use. The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (1992) states that every employer should ensure that suitable PPE is provided for employees who may be exposed to a risk to their health or safety whilst at work. This is with the exception of where risks have been adequately controlled by other means which are equally or more effective than PPE (Health and Safety Executive). Personal Protective Equipment should be visibly available for employees. Where it is not… Read more

The Comprehensive First Aid Point – All the first aid supplies you will ever need

Why a Comprehensive First Aid Point? All large business and working environments will know that first aid supplies run short and fast. Standard first aid kits can simply not cope with the demand for a larger work force! Our Comprehensive First Aid Point suits larger working environments that require a quick solution to emergencies. The Kit offers an British Standard Compliant First Aid Kit content, Eyewash Kit content and Biohazard Kit contents all in one handy system. It is simple and easy to use for employers and employees alike! Three first aid BS8599-1 compliant kits all in the one handy system! The smart hanging, wall-mountable… Read more