Tag Archive: first aid information

Storing First Aid Supplies at Work: The Essentials

Providing adequate and appropriate first aid equipment is a legal requirement at work, according to HSE. In fact, making sure the right supplies are available in the right amount is the first step towards a healthier & safer workplace. Before figuring out how you will be storing first aid supplies, make sure you have assessed your needs. When carrying out an assessment of first aid needs, employers must consider several factors: The number of employees and pre-existing medical conditions Current work-related hazards and risks Location, size, and design of work areas Number of visitors and non-employees These points help determine… Read more

First Aid: The Basics for Business

First Aid

All businesses are required to have first aid arrangements in place for their workplace, which all personnel should be aware of. As an employer you have a responsibility to make sure employees receive immediate first aid attention if they have an accident or are suddenly taken ill on your premises. Accidents and illnesses are unpredictable so it is imperative that the correct first aid equipment is kept on site, and that all staff are kept updated with any change of your business’s first aid procedures. The minimum requirement to meet first aid regulations in the workplace is that you have:… Read more