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HSE on Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

Hearing loss caused by working conditions is entirely preventable by using correct control measures and hearing protection. Yet, 17,000 people in the UK suffer deafness, ringing in the years or other ear conditions as the result of excessive noise at work (HSE). There are many ways of preventing hearing loss or reducing the noise that employees are exposed to. Some control measures to consider are: Quieter machinery or equipment in an attempt to reduce noise exposure to a minimum Introducing engineering controls such as adding material to reduce vibrations from machinery (known as ‘damping’) or fitting silencers Modifying the paths… Read more

Effective Crowd Control Barriers

As the organiser of an event you will need to ensure the safety of crowds. Whilst certain elements of crowd control may be subcontracted to stewards etc. you will still retain the overall responsibility for the safety of the pupil as organiser. It is important to get crowd control right the first time, and this will involve planning and investing in effective crowd control barrier. Things you should be aware of when planning crowd control Pushing and crushing between people Crushing against fixed structures such as barriers or fences Trampling underfoot Sudden swaying, surging or rushing The possible collapse of… Read more

Health and Safety: Working at Height Fines

Health and Safety: Working at Height Fines A West Midlands roofing company has been fined after a safety official passed them working and spotted an employee working unsafely at height with no fall protection in place at all.   The incident was reported by the safety official after the chance sighting on 26th September 2013 and the firm was prosecuted yesterday (28th April). Sandwell Magistrates Court heard that an inspector for the Health and Safety Executive was on the industrial estate when he saw two of the firms’ employees on a fragile roof of a nearby business unit. He noted… Read more

New Grey CoSHH Cupboards

What is CoSHH? CoSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. Hazardous substances can take many forms such as chemicals, fumes, dusts, vapour, gases, biological agents and nanotechnology. Please note; CoSHH doesn’t include lead, asbestos or radioactive substances and these materials have their own specific regulations. To find out more information on CoSHH please visit the HSE website. How to deal with hazardous substances There are many things to consider when doing your CoSHH assessment such as what it is that you do that involves hazardous substances, finding out if these cause harm and how you can reduce… Read more