New Grey CoSHH Cupboards

What is CoSHH?

CoSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. Hazardous substances can take many forms such as chemicals, fumes, dusts, vapour, gases, biological agents and nanotechnology. Please note; CoSHH doesn’t include lead, asbestos or radioactive substances and these materials have their own specific regulations. To find out more information on CoSHH please visit the HSE website.

How to deal with hazardous substances

There are many things to consider when doing your CoSHH assessment such as what it is that you do that involves hazardous substances, finding out if these cause harm and how you can reduce the risk. Some use of hazardous substances can be substituted with a safer process which doesn’t involve any exposure at all. Other solutions are to use lower risk and safer materials to reduce risk and exposure. Other ways of controlling exposure to hazardous substances is to use controlling equipment, controlling procedures, and ensuring employees follow all control measures. In terms of hazardous substance storage, all chemicals must be safely stored

Our CoSHH Cupboard and Cabinets come complete with adjustable spill retaining galvanized shelves to enable superior spill management. There is an integral liquid tight sump which encourages the correct handling of spills through the use of absorbents.


The CoSHH floor chests have a welded integrated sump and angled lid to discourage article placement and a hasp and staple lock. The innovative ‘no snag’ handles have two point locking and all wall cupboards come complete with pre-drilled mounting holes.


If you are looking for products similar to CoSHH Cabinets & Cupboards, such as Hazardous Storage Cabinets, Petroleum & Flammable Liquids Storage Cabinets, Acid & Alkali Storage Cabinets or Agrochemical & Pesticide Storage Cabinets please visit our CoSHH, Hazardous Storage & Spill Control category.

Blog post updated on 27th October 2016

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