Change your HSE posters and leaflets before 5th April 2014
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) first introduced the Health & Safety Law Poster and leaflet in 1999. Under the HSIER (Health and Safety information for Employees Regulations) employers are required to either provide each employee with a leaflet or display the poster in a prominent location.
In 2009, the HSE introduced and updates the Health & Safety Law Poster making it simpler and easier to follow. In an attempt to minimize the impact on organisations, the HSE provided a five year transition period meaning that employers have until 5th April 2014 to replace all posters and leaflets with the newest version.
The new version includes serial numbered holograms which are unique to each poster to ensure authenticity. The poster is now easier to read and understand to increase awareness to employers and employees. The previous poster needed the name and address of the enforcing of the authority for the premises, however, this is not needed on the new poster. With this updated version reduces the administrative costs for employers and additional information is no longer needed.
Get your poster & leaflets from Safety Direct2U