Health and Safety in the Workplace

Workplaces which involve employees in decisions about health and safety are generally much safer and healthier environments to work in.

Collaborating with employees not only helps to manage health and safety in practical ways, but also helps to ensure employees can voice their own concerns about health and safety and are able to have some say in the practises implemented.

health and safety

Employees are likely to spot the workplace risks, and having personnel involvement will encourage them to bring any risks to attention. Also, it is employees who are expected to ensure health and safety controls are practised. Through collaboration this is likely to happen, increasing the level of commitment to working in a safe and healthy manner.

Health and Safety Legislation

The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations (1992) has recently been revised to take into account changes in legislation and is now available to download or buy from HSE. The Workplace Regulations (1992) applies to most workplaces and addresses a wide variety of basic health, safety and welfare issues and concerns.

The guidance covers every day aspects of the working environment, and what at first may be considered of less importance to both employers and employees. For instance, the importance of sufficient lighting is mentioned and room dimensions and space, which all help towards creating a safe place to work. These regulations are not only about the direct safety of personnel, but focus on creating healthy work environments which are employee focused.

It is well known that in workplaces where employee welfare is of upmost importance, employees are more productive and work orientated. It is important as an employee that you feel your working environment meets the demands of your work in a safe and healthy manner, and where improvements are required you have the opportunity to voice these concerns and implement sufficient control practises.


Contains public sector information published by the Health and Safety Executive and licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.

 HSE, (2013), ‘Workplace health, safety and welfare: Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992’. 2nd edn. Accessed 22nd Novemenber 2013.

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