First Aid at Work – Are you Prepared?

Are you prepared when accidents occur?

Did you know an estimated 2.8 million people are employed in the manufacturing sector in the United Kingdom? Of these 2.8 million people there have still been 4,500 major accidents and 19,500 minor workplace injuries over the last five years.

As we mentioned in our last post, the number of injuries in the workplace have fallen by 19 percent over the last five years. But, there are still accidents occurring in the manufacturing sector due to the nature of the work.

As an employer you are responsible for ensuring that the correct risk assessments are in place and that you have the right procedures in place if an accident was ever to occur on your premises. Accidents can happen at any time, so having elected first aiders and sufficient first aid equipment on site can save lives and help to contain accidents from escalating into major incidents.

First Aid Training for the workplace

Organisations such as the British Red Cross provide first aid training for members of the public and for workplaces, enabling you can become an accredited first aider. Each course if designed to suit different working environments and the different types of hazards or accidents that you may face. Ideally, every workplace should have one employee who is first aid trained, who can administer first aid if an accident was to occur.

Minimum first aid provision on any work site should include:

  1. An adequately stocked first aid kit (if items are used always make sure you refill your kit).
  2. An appointed person to take charge of first aid arrangements, look after equipment and to be able to provide cover if the first aider if off site – this person does not need first aid training.
  3. Information for employees about first aid arrangements to be readily available or visible – it’s important that employee’s know who your accredited first aider is.

What else may you need?First Aid

Along with first aid kits some larger workplace places might need to invest in a first aid room or first aid station, particularly if there is a risk of major incidents occurring. It is also essential that all members of staff have visual prompts to guide them to the first aid room or first aid kit. The use of signage can help aid staff to quickly find their way and what they need.

» For more information on First Aid at Work take a look at HSE’s advice here.


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