CoSHH, a Simple Guide for the Workplace

CoSHH, a simple guide for the workplace

Classification of hazardous chemicals

The scientific assessment of how a chemical can cause harm is what defines classification. Does the chemical irritate the eyes, combust or cause cancer. Classification of a chemical is important so people using them understand any hazardous effects. The substance could have to human health or on the environment and protect all from harm.

Classification is the responsibility of chemical suppliers. Suppliers use a criteria set to an internationally agreed standard to identify hazards. There are criteria for:

  • Physical Hazards
  • Health Hazards
  • Environmental Hazards

When classifying a chemical; the supplier must consider:

  • What harm it may cause
  • Likelihood of chemical causing harm
  • How serious the effect may be
  • How potent the chemical is

Chemical classification is fundamentally used to regulate the supply and use of chemicals. Additional chemical controls, protective measures or restrictions on sale may need stating.

What is CoSHH?

The legislation that controls substances that are hazardous to health and reducing exposure by:

  • Finding out the hazards
  • Deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment)
  • Proving control measures
  • Making sure the measures are used
  • Keeping the control measures in good working order
  • Providing information, instruction and training for employees
  • Monitoring in appropriate cases
  • Contingency Planning

Exposure to a chemical includes: inhalation, skin contact, injection into the skin and swallowing. In the workplace thousands of chemicals have daily uses. While only 500 have Workplaces Exposure Limits and are listed in EH40 Workplace Exposure Limits.

CoSHH Symbols

European Symbols                                NEW International Symbols

NEW CoSHH symbols

european CosHH symbols


Products that you may use that are hazardous to health will have a label stating so. These symbols define the hazard, the dangers, how to store and what to do in the event of an emergency.

CoSHH and REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) sit side by side but do have some major differences in obligation and duties

Capture  Capture1

Who must assess the risk? Employer. Manufacturer/Importer.
What substances? Hazardous to health, including those arising from processes and germs. Manufactured or imported in quantities of 10 or more tonnes per year in the EU.
What Duty? Control exposure in all uses by site and process-specific measures. Develop exposure scenarios and identify risk management measure for named tasks and procedures.

Which Storage Cabinets Should You Use?

Knowing which storage cabinets to use for your hazardous substances can be confusing. We have storage cabinets with the appropriate warning labels for highly flammable, harmful / irritant and corrosive. Take a look at our ranges below to see which cabinets suit your needs.

Hazardous Storage CabinetsCoSHH CabinetsFlammable Storage CabinetsAcid and Alkali Storage CabinetsAgrochemical Storage Cabinets

Control Methods

The objective of CoSHH is preventing and or controlling exposure to substances hazardous to health and is achieved by:

  • Using control methods such as total enclosure, partial enclosure.
  • Controlling procedures: ways of working, supervision in addition to training etc…
  • Work behaviour; ensuring workers follow the control methods.

Control equipment includes ventilation, extraction techniques, spillage captureclean-up procedures and also using PPE.

Control Procedures

Controlling ways of working includes operating procedures, supervision and training. This is also in line with emergency procedures and decontamination as a contingency plan. Control measures are tested regularly including equipment. With records kept of any examinations and repairs.

Worker Behaviour

Now that the controls are set in place, they need to be adhered to:

  • Wearing necessary PPE
  • Using control equipment
  • Following hygiene procedures
  • Communicating with supervisors

Safety Direct2U offers an extensive range of safety products. CoSHH and Hazardous Storage, Spill Control & PPE to assist with all your safety needs. Our yellow hazardous storage cabinets are a popular choice with our customers. They are always in stock and ready for fast and FREE UK mainland delivery! If you need more information, please contact us via phone or live chat.

Control Of Substances Hazardous To Health (COSHH) – COSHH”. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 July 2016.

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