Workplace Safety

PPE Resolutions: Start your year off right

PPE Resolutions

Setting foot into 2017 gives us the opportunity to rethink how we interact with objects and people around us. While we do review our old habits, and create new ones, we tend to forget to renew our commitment to keeping ourselves healthy and safe at work! One way to do so is to ensure we have adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at hand. Last week, Health and Safety at Work reports, an asbestos removal supervisor pleaded guilty to breaching Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act: General duties of employees at work. It shall be the duty… Read more

The Importance of Safety Mirrors

Safety mirrors have become more and more popular due to the ability to see in a 360˚ view when in the workplace. A simple convex mirror can not only cut down on the amount of accidents but also thefts. However, bear in mind that each location will have  different security goals; so size, shape and exact location will be majorly influenced. Mirrors come in a variety of shapes and sizes to coincide with their intended location. Mirror Type Ideal Useage Traffic A wide and far distance of vision on major roadways. Blind Spot Loading areas and shipping departments. Enabling the… Read more

How to keep Safe During the Christmas Period – Safety Direct2U

The holiday season is a time of cheer, joy and celebration at the same time there in an increased risk of accidents occurring in the home. Such accidents include: food poisoning, trips and falls and accidents involving Christmas trees. Risks of fire hazards also increase at Christmas time due to increase number of hazards in the home. Back in 2002, it was estimated that 1000 people visited A&E in the UK after accidents with Christmas trees and 350 people after home accidents involving fairy lights. Follow these top tips to reduce the risks of accident in and around your home… Read more

Health & Safety in the Catering Industry


Regulations regarding workplaces are put in place to insure the risk of work-related death, injury and ill health is significantly reduced. Accidents in many types of catering organisation are on the increase and common hazard include and are not limited to: Food Slicers Electrical faults Exposed Wires Trip hazards Oil fires No ventilation Employers must adhere to several legislation to ensure the health and safety of their employees; as can be seen below. Health and Safety at work Act 1974 Places a duty on all employers “to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work” The… Read more