Where do you store your wheelie bins?

Last week, Eric Pickles called for ‘hiding places’ for wheelie bins on all new home developments; what’s your verdict on the idea?

In recent months, wheelie bins have been in the spotlight, with towns receiving wheelie bins from their local councils replacing black bags which previously brought a number of problems. When the rollout was first announced it angered many residents, however many people have come to terms with the new wheelie bin schemes, seeing the benefits for themselves that it has brought.

Pickle now claims that millions of homes have wheelie bins, but nowhere to store them. We are asking you… where do you store your wheelie bins?

After her made the announcement last week; that he wishes for new homes and flats to be built with a hiding place for their wheelie bins, on the front of properties or in the back garden, it provoked comments from hundreds of people. Many people do not feel that this is a pressing issue, and that other problems should be solved first.

Not everyone has issues with storing wheelie bins, as many residents have space on their driveways already, or in their back gardens. Is the issue really that people do not have access to the back garden or space on the front of their properties? It is hard to imagine how building these ‘bin tidies’ will actually help the situation, as many new homes with the space for the ‘bin tidies’ would probably already have a location to store their wheelie bins without extra measures needed.

It will be interesting to see if these changes come into place.

We are keen to hear your verdict on the latest from the wheelie bin debate, do you agree that the suggestion by Eric Pickle could work or are you not so keen on the idea?

Either way, numbers of households with wheelie bins in the UK is continually on the rise. Here are Wheelie Bins Direct2U we have always promoted wheelie bins. You can purchase wheelie bins online at www.wheelie-bins-direct2u.co.uk today.

Please Note: wheelie bins purchased from us are not collected by local councils.

Wheelie Bins

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