Wheelie Bins: The Verdict

Original opposition to wheelie bins, especially in the Birmingham area, is eventually subsiding.

At first the idea of wheelie bins becoming part of our street furniture led to them being labelled as ‘hideous’ things that would clutter our streets and obstruct our pavements. However, the tides may be turning as wheelie bins are winning the public over and are even being requested in certain areas.

The Statistics for wheelie bin success…

The Birmingham Mail has conducted its own poll based on the current wheelie bin trial within Bournbrook and Harbourn. In April this year they asked residents: “Are you happy with wheelie bins coming to Brum?” and found 64% in favour of the scheme. They have repeated a similar survey more recently, asking: “Are you glad to see wheelie bins arrive?” and found the original number of residents in favour had increased to 70%.

This has been supported by a 6 month wheelie bin trial in Bournbrook organised by The University of Birmingham and Birmingham Council. The trial saw wheelie bins rolled out to 1,200 households in 6 streets mostly consisting of student housing. In the latest survey conducted by the university and the council they found that the number of pavements in the area which previously had “unsatisfactory” litter levels (based upon Keep Britain Tidy criteria) had dropped significantly from 75% to just 9% in a matter of 6 weeks!

If this level of success for wheelie bins is experienced across Birmingham and other areas alike, it certainly looks like the wheelie bin is here to stay and will be a secure part of Britain’s future!

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