Wheelie Bin trial showing promising results!

We recently wrote an article on the planned wheelie bin rollout across Birmingham.

The rollout if it goes ahead is planned to begin in summer 2014. Before the plans of the city wide rollout were announced, trials were launched in two Birmingham wards, Brandwood and Harborne. The wheelie bin schemes were amongst other reasons, intended to improve recycling rates within the city. Residents were supplied with a 180 litre wheelie bin for general waste (collected weekly) and a 240 litre wheelie bin for recyclables (metal, glass, plastics and paper) .

Prior to the trial scheme, 417 people across Brandwood and Harborne were interviewed face to face, collecting information on their opinions. After the trial, those people were contacted again for a follow up telephone interview to see if their views had changed after using wheelie bins for a three month period. Those interviewed, were the individuals with primary responsibility for waste and recycling in each household.

Prior to the launch, 35% strongly supported the introduction of wheelie bins, 28% tended to support wheelie bins, 22% were undecided, 7% tended to oppose and 8% strongly opposed. Following the three month trial period, 53% strongly supported wheelie bins, 23% tended to support wheelie bins, 11% were undecided, 4% tended to oppose and 9% strongly opposed. Prior to the rollout 63% were in favour, this percentage rose to 76% following the trial.Wheelie Bins

Although it is only early days, the wheelie bin scheme appears to be having a positive effect. The sample group also showed that 31% of people believe wheelie bins had encouraged recycling by 31%, an 11% rise from the initial 20% of people prior to implementation. Strangely, the percentage of people who believed recycling would reduce doubled from 3% to 6%.

The results however speak to themselves, as the recycling of mixed glass and plastic increased by 40%, and paper recycling increased by 20%.

It looks like Birmingham are on the right track when it comes to recycling, a trend set to rise further if the complete wheelie bin rollout goes ahead.

We are interested in your views of the wheelie bin trial, perhaps you are living in Brandwood or Hardborne? Whatever your views, we look forward to hearing them!

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