What waste are you putting in your wheelie bin?

What are you putting in your wheelie bin?

It’s been a while since we all only had one dustbin and one wheelie bin. Having different types of bin is admittedly a great idea but having so many can be confusing, hard work and a chore. With almost every home in the UK now recycling and making a conscious effort to help the environment but are we as a nation any good at reducing our waste and reusing things?

How to reduce your waste

By reusing and using less then less waste is created. We know it sounds a bit silly but it really is that simple. Many think that they have to buy less in order to reduce waste and be frugal with what they do buy. However, sometimes the opposite is better. For example: buying things in large quantities and multi packs means less packaging. Obviously, we don’t recommend buying everything in multi packs, just things you would usually buy every weekly shop such as toilet roll, baked beans and other things. This might also save you a couple of pounds in the long run. Less packing = less waste. Concentrated cordials, soups and even deodorants are available now so that means they either come in smaller packaging or last longer, either way they reduce you’re overall packaging intake.

By choosing items that have been recycled or have strong environmental benefits such as donating to charity or planting a tree you are also balancing out the purchase of goods by doing good for the environment. Another good idea is to save carrier bags and re use those every time you go shopping and making a small investment in a bag for life can save using many plastic bags.

Other changes you can make

We all get a lot of junk mail through our letter boxes whether it is flyers, adverts or letters. To save receiving so much waste you can put a polite notice on your door notifying the deliverers that you do not wish to receive junk mail. You could also sign up to the mailing preference service. Buying rechargeable batteries may be slightly more expensive at the start but it saves you a lot of waste and energy in the long run as disposing of batteries can be harmful. Energy saving bulbs are a good idea, yes they may be a little dimmer than other bulbs, but they save you money and last for a long time saving you having to replace and throw them away so regularly.

Wheelie Bins

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