Direct2U supports local charity Promise Dreams

Here at Direct2U we have teamed up with local charity Promise Dreams, a charity that makes the dreams of very ill children come true. £1 from every order made on our Lockers Direct2U and Wheelie Bins Direct2U site is donated to the charity and customers have the choice to add a further donation if they wish.

What is Promise Dreams?

Registered in 2001, Promise Dreams is a national registered children’s charity that aims to make the dreams of seriously or terminally ill children come true. The charity accepts applications for children from birth to the age of eighteen. Applications can be from children who wish to spend some time away from hospital appointments/ treatment for a family break, children who require expensive specialist equipment or children who wish to meet their favourite celebrity.

What do they do?

Many of the applications received by Promise Dreams are not for wishes that the average person would consider a dream but for these children and families something so simple can make a huge difference and positive change on their day to day lives. Time is valuable with a lot of applicants so Promise Dreams has to work quickly to make the children’s dreams come true and create treasured memories for families to cherish.

How do they do it?

As a result of a lot of hard work, passion and dedication the charity and its supporters have managed to raise over £2,000,000 so far and we aim to help grow this figure. More than 1250 dreams have been granted to very special children and families. In order to keep making dreams come true Promise Dreams have to organise a range of fundraising events throughout the year and ask anyone and everyone to get involved in supporting their excellent work. If you wish to know more about the charity please visit their website here.


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