Waste Bins

Wolverhampton to Charge for Second Bin

In the next year a fee will be brought in for residents of Wolverhampton who require an extra bin. The first bin that all residents should already have was free of charge but the council have decided if a second bin is required then residents will have to pay extra. Council bosses have described the charge as ‘good value for money’ as they won’t be making any profit from the scheme. The new bins will be green bins with brown lids and will be collected at the same time as other green bins. Member of the cabinet for city services,… Read more

Birmingham: Wheelie Bins or Sacks?

Birmingham City Council has confirmed that residents living in hilly neighbourhoods of Birmingham won’t be able to opt out of the city’s new controversial wheelie bin scheme. Instead of being able to opt out, the council will decide which homes are unsuitable for wheelie bins and still need to use the current black sacks scheme. Councillor Jon Hunt who represents the steep inclines of Perry Barr warned the authority that they would be bombarded with appeals if the bins were imposed on voters in his area. The Liberal Democrat group deputy leader said: “Our surveys in Perry Barr show householders… Read more

Dorset Get Microchipped Wheelie Bins

Many residents of Dorset will have received new wheelie bins fitted complete with an electronic tag. Why we hear you say? Well, Dorset Waste Partnership say it is so residents are able to track their bin is it was to ever go missing and the tag can also be used to settle disputes between neighbours over wheelie-bin ownership. How? This new tracking technology involves an electronic chip carefully hidden under the moulded front lip of the wheelie bin that is used for non-recyclable waste. As the bin is lifted by the collection truck, the chip passes a special antenna fitted… Read more

Has Health and Safety gone too far?

Has Health and Safety gone too far with wheelie bins? Bin men have been told to stop moving wheelie bins in Craven, West Morland. This new rule has been branded as ridiculous by a Craven councillor. Around 20% of the residents live in inaccessible places have their bins taken to the waste lorry by council workmen. However, a recent inspection by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has lead to the council being told they must stop the practice and collections must now be kerb side only. What? Councillor Carl Lis is a lead member for waste management and has… Read more