
Do East Riding need more blue bins?

Keen recyclers have been offered more blue bins by East Riding in Yorkshire Council to help tackle and control the amount being sent to recycling. The majority of homes in the area already have three bins, a green bin for general waste, a brown bin for gardening waste and food and a final blue bins for recyclable goods. Locals have been filling the blue bins up quickly and find that they tend to have too much recycling to fit into one bin and end up having to put it in the general waste. In order to keep the high levels of recycling up and… Read more

Has Health and Safety gone too far?

Has Health and Safety gone too far with wheelie bins? Bin men have been told to stop moving wheelie bins in Craven, West Morland. This new rule has been branded as ridiculous by a Craven councillor. Around 20% of the residents live in inaccessible places have their bins taken to the waste lorry by council workmen. However, a recent inspection by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) has lead to the council being told they must stop the practice and collections must now be kerb side only. What? Councillor Carl Lis is a lead member for waste management and has… Read more

What waste are you putting in your wheelie bin?

Litter Bins

What are you putting in your wheelie bin? It’s been a while since we all only had one dustbin and one wheelie bin. Having different types of bin is admittedly a great idea but having so many can be confusing, hard work and a chore. With almost every home in the UK now recycling and making a conscious effort to help the environment but are we as a nation any good at reducing our waste and reusing things? How to reduce your waste By reusing and using less then less waste is created. We know it sounds a bit silly… Read more

Three Week Collections For Wheelie Bins?

Wheelie Bins

Greater Manchester council is the first in England to start collecting wheelie bins once every three weeks, scrapping the current fortnightly collection. The controversial decision was passed by councillors in Bury on Wednesday night, despite fears fly tipping would increase. One councillor who voted for the motion accused her opposition of ‘scaremongering’ after they warned rubbish would pile up and attract unwanted critters. More than 3000 people signed a petition against the new scheme which is set to be introduced on the 6th October this year. The initiative will affect the grey bins used for general household waste which can’t… Read more