Cycle Shelters Blog

News & Info from Cycle Shelters Direct2U

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Enjoy Your Walkway

Functional and attractive a walkway will always add more to your building. You can’t prevent the typical British rainy weather but you can give visitors, employees or customers a different experience.  The simple addition of a sheltered walkway can instantly add more to your building or business. Why invest in a covered walkway? The aim of a covered walkway is to protect visitors and employees from the effects of bad weather. They are ideal for the transit of goods and materials between buildings. They can reduce the amount of slips and falls that occur as the result of bad weather…. Read more

Cycling Tips for This Winter

Keep safe and warm during the coming months by following these simple cycling tips. With fewer daylight hours in the winter months many more cyclists are riding in poor light conditions. It is during the winter months that cycling on Britain’s roads becomes more dangerous because of reduced visibility in the dark, fog and glare from lights. Therefore, to be seen in the dark mornings and nights it is firstly important to ensure you have good quality lights fitted onto your bike. Remember its white at the front and red at the rear! Also, to help be seen by other… Read more

Cycle Shelters Direct2U’s Brand New Blog!

Welcome to our new Cycle Shelters blog! Follow us to discover the latest about our impressive range of products and to be the first to know about any new products, offers, news and information! Our Cycle Shelters blog will discuss some of our most popular products, and shall include much more information, ideal uses and recommendations for products. The Cycle Shelters blog shall offer you advice and guidance, so you can be sure you are choosing the most suitable product for your security seal needs. We are confident at Cycle Shelters Direct2U  you will always find very good quality products,… Read more