Cycle to Work Day Countdown – 13th September 2017


There is less than one month to cycle to work day; are you prepared? 17’131 cyclists have pledged to to take part in this mass commute to work in order to win some fabulous prizes. With the prize pot being bigger than ever containing holidays, bikes and many many more.

So; what is Cycle to Work day?

It a day where thousands of adults across the UK are encourage to ditch the cars and get on their bike! It’s a great way to boost your health and fitness, improve your wellbeing and do your bit to lower your carbon footprint. 2017 is the 5th anniversary of Cycle to Work day and it hasn’t stopped growing in popularity since the first event. So, will you dust of your bike and celebrate with hundreds of other passionate commuters?


But I haven’t got a bike?

If you haven’t even thought about getting on a bike since your childhood adventures the chances are you haven’t got a bike yet. Luckily enough for you have at least a month to get your hands on one and start practising your skills (and highway code).

Cycle to Work Scheme

Backed by the Governments Green Transport Plan is a fantastic way to get your new bike. You can get a new cycle, commuting gear, make a tax saving and spread the cost of the bill too. Most workplaces offer this scheme as an employee benefit but if your organisation doesn’t then look at Cyclescheme and Halfords. Both leading companies in the cycle to work scheme; having advised more than 1 million people in the UK.

Rent a Bike

If you live in Central London, renting a bike is easy. However; if you don’t live in the big city there are several places you can hire a bike, test it out the schemes that are being offered.

Santander Cycles (London Only)


Bike & Go


Join a Group

One of the best ways to get all the advice and support you need to get started on your commuting journey. They are a great hub for advice, skills and tips to stay safe and confident you may even make a few new friends along the way.

Find a group near you


Cycle Shelters Direct2U is committed to supplying high quality competitively priced cycle shelters, rack and stands; delivered quickly and directly to you. Offering a huge range with something to suit everyone and every location. Don’t hesitate to speak to our friendly team today in search of the perfect products for you.

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