Tag Archive: cycling

New Award for UK Mountain Biking | Cycling

Scottish, Welsh and British Cycling have teamed up to create a UK wide Mountain Bike Leadership scheme. The award qualifies bikers to lead groups of people on mountain bike rides spanning a variety of terrains. As Welsh, Scottish and British cycling move to strengthen mountain bike leadership across the UK, the delivery of the award will make a gradual switch over to the new UK Mountain Bike Leadership Awards over the following 12 months. Jim Riach the corporate services manager at Scottish Cycling and founder member of the Scottish Mountain Bike Leadership Awards answers some questions about the new scheme:… Read more

Incentives to Cycle to School

The Department for Transport has recently announced the latest round of its initiative to incentivise youngsters who choose to cycle to school. Besides from it being beneficial health wise, there is now even more reason to ditch the car and get children to cycle to school; prizes will be won for doing so. Schools nationwide can now be the winners of prizes from a £10,000 pot for encouraging their pupils to cycle to school. The Department for Transport has announced the latest instalment of its Modeshift STARS programme will award schools bronze, silver or gold medals based on how many… Read more

Plans to Cycle Proof Portsmouth

Many people in Portsmouth have been campaigning to make the town a safer place to cycle. Portsmouth Cycle Forum was today to launch its strategy called “A City Share” in aim of changing the way the streets are designed to accommodate cyclists and encourage more residents to cycle. The scheme is also hoped to reduce traffic congestion in the city and improve the over all health and well being of residents. The plan was announced after city council leader Councillor Donna Jones invited the forum to suggest improvements when the group wrote an open letter to the council in August…. Read more

Wiggins to Attempt Cycling Challenge

Sir Bradley Wiggins is to attempt to win a first cycling time trial title at the Road World Championships today. Now 34, Wiggins came second in 2011 and 2013, beaten by the same German Tony Martin, who he beat to get Olympic gold in 2012. Wiggins told BBC Sport that he’s in better physical shape than last year. “It’s quite mountainous and suits me more than Tony. Every year I think this might be the year but you never know. That’s why I like it.” Bradley Wiggins helped Team Sky take fourth in Sunday’s team time trial, despite team mates… Read more