Tag Archive: cycle shelters

Cycle Legend Bradley Wiggins to Compete in Commonwealth Games

Sir Bradley Wiggins has been selected to cycle for Team England in the upcoming Commonwealth Games. It has been reported that cycling legend Sir Wiggins has chosen to participate in Glasgow this summer over the Tour de France. The 2012 Tour de France champion has been announced as part of the road squad but it has been suggested that he could also make a return to the track due to the unlikelihood of him being chosen as part of Team Sky’s Le Tour squad. Other Olympic champions Laura Trott, Joanna Rowsell, Dani King, Ed Clancy, Steven Burke, Philip Hinder and… Read more

Reasons To Cycle To Work With Cycle Shelters Direct2U:

Reasons To Cycle To Work With Cycle Shelters Direct2U: Encourage yourself and employees to cycle to work with stylish and secure cycle shelters and reap the benefits!   Now that the weather has finally decided to brighten up, more and more people are being inspired to exercise outdoors. Instead of rushing to the gym before and after work, many are choosing to cycle there and back instead. Cycling to and from work is not only a healthy choice for the body, but also for the bank balance. Not only is exercising in the morning before work beneficial for the body,… Read more

Cycle Shelters Direct2U’s Brand New Blog!

Welcome to our new Cycle Shelters blog! Follow us to discover the latest about our impressive range of products and to be the first to know about any new products, offers, news and information! Our Cycle Shelters blog will discuss some of our most popular products, and shall include much more information, ideal uses and recommendations for products. The Cycle Shelters blog shall offer you advice and guidance, so you can be sure you are choosing the most suitable product for your security seal needs. We are confident at Cycle Shelters Direct2U  you will always find very good quality products,… Read more