Summer Cycling in the Capital

Many have us have probably spent most of the sunshine this year gazing out of our office windows wishing we could be outside. Some of have also felt the guilt of not making the most of the time we do have outdoors. A few of us have probably considered walking or cycling to work when the weather’s nice, but then never actually do it.

There are some major changes happening to London’s cycle network and accessing bikes is now easier than ever – so what’s your excuse?

Cycling in London is not only cost effective and beneficial health wise, it’s also quite fun! Many of us will associate cycling with the daily commute in the capital but have you ever thought of summer cycling around the city in your free time? There is no better way to see the big city sights than on two wheels and a saddle.

In case you need a little more convincing here are some reasons why you should be summer cycling around London:

1. Flexibility

bike-iconCycling gives you so much more freedom than any other form of transport. Being out in the open air gives you chance to see things that you may have missed being on the tube or bus. See a nice river or park on your journey? No problem, just hop off, chain the bike up and take a look around.

2. It’s good for you


We all know this and we’ve been told time and time again but it’s true. Cycling really is a great practical way of combining exercise and purpose. Why go to the gym on the treadmill for an hour then sit on the tube to travel when you can get on a bike and achieve the same outcome?

3. Fun for the family

To some parents, the thought of going out and about with their kids on bikes gives them heart palpitations. There’s no denying that cycling with children isn’t danger free, but it’s also not as scary as you might think. Start off cycling in the park and around local housing estates to get used to crossing roads and being around pedestrians.

4. Low-impact work out

Cycling is suitable for almost everyone thanks to it’s low impact nature. Not only can cycling help you lose weight but it has also been found to reduce stress, improve fitness and boosting happiness.

5. Low cost


With over 10,000 bikes available across 700 docking stations in London you don’t even need to buy a bike yourself. Transport for London’s cycle scheme, now sponsored by Santander, gives people the ideal opportunity to explore the capital on two wheels.

The new app recently launched by TfL – named Santander Cycles – makes it even easier to pick up a bike and discover London. The scheme is currently available for those over the age of 14, but bringing children’s bike and trikes along is always welcomed.

With all this being said, there really is no excuse to not get out there and discover the freedom and fun of cycling in the capital. Don’t waste your time with good intentions this summer – get on in the saddle and pedal! We’d love to see some of your photos of you exploring London or the rest of the world. Tweet them to us using the hashtag summer cycling, @direct_2u or email them to


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