Staffordshire Go Cycle Crazy

Hundreds of cyclists gathered in Staffordshire this weekend to get pedalling at the second annual Cycling Festival. Over 700 participants cycle d in one of the many organised rides with routes mapped out for novice cyclists and experienced cyclists.

Some of the UK’s top cycle stars also joined in on the festivities including Olympic two time gold medallist Ed Clancy and the recent Commonwealth track gold medallist Tom Scully. The cycling festivals organiser and founder Paul Rowlands was astounded by the response to this years event especially with the number of cycling events now being staged throughout the UK, making the vast increase in registrations something to be celebrated.

The Staffordshire Cycling Festival was in partnership with Staffordshire County Council, The Lewis Partnership and a lot of local businesses that have supported the festival, enabling it to become the fun and great cycle event that it was. To learn more about this event visit ridestaffs.


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