Is Derby the New Cycle Home?

Top British cycling boss Ian Drake has praised Derby’s city council for being a true flagship for how an informed and motivated local authority can make a real change to cycling and participation.

Drake believes Derby could become the next “cycling medal factory” due to the hard work and councils influence to get young people on bikes not just for fun but for travel too. He also commended the council on their involvement with British Cycling’s Go-Ride programme where staff go into schools to provide coaching and racing sessions for Cyclo-Cross and grass track.

Secretary of Derby Cycling Club, Dave Clasby is pleased with the positive efforts of Cycle Derby but also gave a warning about future funding cuts stopping them from investing in the young people of Derby. Continual Government support is needed to provide the funding.

Cycle Derby also funded the creating Derby BMX track and they are also opening the new Derby Arena with a 250 metre indoor cycle track. The new £27.5 million Arena is set to open over the next couple of months with an exact date yet to be announced. The modern and futuristic building has a 14,500m2 (156,000 sq ft) footprint and the structure incorporates 1700 tonnes of steel. 265,000 nails were hand driven into the track and took six weeks to construct.

cycling derby arena

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