How Cycling Can Help You

There are the obvious benefits to getting on your bike, like improving your fitness and trying to become healthier person. But some of the benefits of cycling are more obscure and unexpected. We’ve named just a few here to see if we can entice you to start cycling more and see what all the fuss is about.


Cycling can help you…

1. Ride on into happiness

When asked about exercise the last word that springs to mind is happiness. But to everyone’s surprise the two are linked. It’s suggested that any mild to moderate exercise releases natural ‘feel good’ endorphins that help to counteract stress and make you happy!

Cycling has been linked to improving health and overall well-being. Being outside is one of the main factors which contribute to this. If you want to feel more upbeat then one suggestion is taking some fresh air and getting outside – cycling can certainly be a fun way to do this. Many cyclists say that riding a bike gives you a sense of freedom and helps to take your mind off other things.

2. Boost your creativity levels

Do you need to be a creative person? If yes, then one of best ways to boost your brain’s creativity is to be outside. Many of the most famous philosophers, poets, artists and even Apple mastermind Steve Jobs have been known to take long walks outside to help their minds be more creative. It’s claimed that just 25 minutes of aerobic exercise like cycling boosts creative thinking.

3. Put an end to stress and maintain your workload

Yes, you’ve guessed it! The answer is cycling.

A study of 200 people by the University of Bristol found that employees who exercised before work or during their lunch break improved their time and work load management. Exercising helped to boost motivation and the ability to deal with stress.

So, if you have a stressful job, or perhaps you need to improve your time management skills at work, getting some exercise in around your busy schedule will pay off. One of the most popular reasons for not doing exercise is lack of time, but cycling to and from work is an excellent way to exercise and it not creep in to your free time

4. Feel good about yourself and shed a few pounds

Cycling is a great way to lose weight. It is a relatively low-impact form of exercise making it easier on your joints and muscles compared to other aerobic activities. You can make it as easy or as difficult as you want. Once you’ve been cycling a while you can push yourself, choosing harder routes and taking on bigger hill climbs. The Outdoor Foundation (2010) suggests that an average person will lose 13lbs in their first year of cycling to work.

5. Beat the morning congestion

Congestion in the morning is most people’s worst nightmare. It can make the journey to work much more stressful. Before your working day has even begun you are not at your best. Cycling is claimed to reduce stress anyway, but cycling to work can beat your congestion blues too. Cycling saves a third of road space compared to driving, so if more pick up their bike in the morning rather than their car keys congestion would be massively reduced – benefitting all!

Cycling can also take the stress out of finding a car parking spot. Work and public car parks are often overcrowded but with a bike you can easily find a spot. Bike parking takes up 8 times less space than cars. If you and a group of colleagues at work want to start cycling why not ask if you can designate two parking spaces on the car park to a cycle shelter.

6. Be a greener, more eco-friendly person

Well, it’s not surprising that cycling is your answer. It is one of the most sustainable methods of transport. If just 10% of car journeys were done on bike this would reduce air pollution and save 400 productive life years.

For some carbon foot print is a real worry. We already recycling our rubbish and food waste at home but there is always more we can do. If you want to be a greener citizen then one thing you can do is choose cycling over driving a car. This will have an immediate effect on reducing your carbon foot print, whilst you also benefit from all the ways that cycling can help mentioned above.

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