Enjoy Your Walkway

Functional and attractive a walkway will always add more to your building.

You can’t prevent the typical British rainy weather but you can give visitors, employees or customers a different experience.  The simple addition of a sheltered walkway can instantly add more to your building or business.

Why invest in a covered walkway?A Covered Walkway

  • The aim of a covered walkway is to protect visitors and employees from the effects of bad weather.
  • They are ideal for the transit of goods and materials between buildings.
  • They can reduce the amount of slips and falls that occur as the result of bad weather.

Where could you use a walkway?

Covered walkways are designed to link buildings and entrances. They are perfect for colleges, universities, hospitals, schools and retail centres. There have been many interesting and innovative uses of covered walkways. For example, one may be used to connect a building which has been built with a courtyard in the centre. The walkway could be used to join the two sides of the building, so that the courtyard or garden can be enjoyed whatever the weather, as well as creating a safe and dry area to walk through.

What you should look for in the design?

Covered walkways are available in all different styles and sizes so it is important to browse the options available. However, there are a few things that you should look out for before purchasing.

  • Ideally, a walkway should have a curved roof which will prevent lying water on the roof.
  •  It is beneficial to have a roof which is manufactured from UV resistant polycarbonate panels. Some of these panels are able to provide up to 97% of protection against Ultra-Violet.
  • It may be useful to make sure the walkway can have additional side panels if you would like them. Ideally these should be manufactured from tough clear Perspex so that the view and safety of the walkway is not compromised.

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