Cycling Safety: The Facts

Cycling Safety activists are calling on the Government to address the danger of HGV’s to the safety of women cyclists in London. Statistics show that after to success of the 2012 Olympics, around 250,000 women were inspired by the likes of Laura Trott and Victoria Pendleton to get in the saddle and start cycling. The tragic death of six women who collided with lorry’s when cycling has highlighted the issue of Britain needing to up their cycling safety game.

As a nation we are far behind with the cycle-friendliness of our cities, in particular London. Last Thursday statistics from the Department for Transport were released showing the last year alone 113 cyclists died in Britain. Although this figure is falling from previous years and the issue of safety has been addressed to a certain degree, many feel the importance of it is overlooked.

Experts suggest that women are more likely to be cautious and hesitant at junctions leaving them more vulnerable and exposed. This has caused an issue with lorry’s turning left having cyclists in their blind spot ultimately leading to accidents. DfT report shows that women make up 21% of all the distance travelled in the UK via cycling.

Cycling now is safer than ever as stats show you are less likely to die than at any time since the introduction of the motorcar in Britain. While this is definitely a positive, there were still 3401 seriously injured cyclists last year which is an increase of 8.2 from the previous year. There are many speculated reasons as to why these numbers have dropped included better hospital care, better educated cyclists and more. Many feel as though it is important to continue campaigning for safer roads cycle routes despite the lowering figures. With the constant increase in those choosing to cycle is vital that the sheer volume of those biking are catered for with the introduction of separate cycling lanes including rural areas.

cycling safety facts

Cycling Safety Infographic

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