Cycle to Work for Earth Day!

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Celebrated annually on April 22nd, Earth Day reminds us that there is much more we can all do when it comes to protecting our planet. The likes of pollution and deforestation are still amongst the biggest issues. Incredibly, it’s the simplest of actions we take that can have a monumental impact on the planet’s future. This could be litter picking, cycling to work or planting trees.

We’re going to focus on just how effective cycling to work is and what a difference it can make to not only the planet, but to your physical and emotional wellbeing. We’ll explore the options you have going forward and why both Individuals and Businesses should take part in cycling to work.

Cycle to Work – 3 Ways You can Benefit

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  1. Your Health

Cycling to work is a sold cardio workout. You’ll burn an average 400 calories by commuting to work via your Bicycle. A study of just over 250,000 people has shown that the risk of severe and even terminal illness is lowered by an incredible 45%.

2. Cost Effective Commuting

More and more businesses are joining the Cycle To Work Scheme. This is fantastic as there are multiple benefits you can take advantage of. As well as this, you could save around £3,000 every annum by joining this scheme. This primarily averaged out by fuel consumption, wear to your vehicle or just by simply public transport.

3. Reduce Pollution

The average person travels 4 miles to work each way on a daily basis. We could save an estimated 6 – 14 million tons of CO2 with just a moderate increase in people cycling to work.

Cycle to work – 3 Ways Your Business Can Benefit

cycle to work, cycle shelters, bike to work, earth day, cycling to work,
  1. Save Money

On average, businesses can save 13.8% of the total value of salary sacrifice because of reductions in the amount of National Insurance Contributions due.

2. Reduce Parking and Congestion

By reducing the number of cars on your car park, is there an opportunity to sell and re purpose the land instead?

3. Improved attendance

As well as having a positive impact on your staff’s health, cycling to work can also considerably improve emotional health. This in turn improves tolerance levels and wellbeing, reducing stress and improving productivity during work hours.

Explore Cycle Shelters – Kit out Your Premises

From Cycle Wall Racks to complete Cycle Shelters, there are many ways you can kit out your premises. It’s important that your staff members feel confident in leaving their biking equipment unattended for hours throughout the day.

We have a selection of equipment for you to browse below. Alternatively, you can jump on to our website and explore the entire range right here.

If you would like a survey or a quote on what we could do for you, please get in touch with us by clicking the link below. Site surveys are also free of charge.

Request a quote here!

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