Cycle Shelters: Investing in Workplace Health & Well-being

Stepping up the Gears with Workplace Health & Well-being

The rise of the millennial’s in workplace environments is already well underway. With it, new ethics, values and attitudes are steadily shaping the future of workplace culture. Amongst these attitudes, none seem more significant than the health and fitness trend.

We’ve all been witness to it. Whether it’s the young gents of the office discussing their bench press personal bests or the ladies discussing gym classes over freshly made smoothies. The “next gen” are very aware of the benefits achieved through a healthy lifestyle and are evolving to strengthen these beliefs. As an organisation in the 21st century, it’s important that these values are supported and developed with. These are after all, the future creators, decision makers and figureheads of both your business and the entire business landscape. But it’s not just about the young adults. The older generations are also starting to sharpen up on their physical well-being (special mention to those who always have!).

In essence, it’s now important that employers and decision making bodies take some responsibility for the overall well-being of all their employees or members. For present times and especially moving forward. The good news is that investments that provide opportunities for people to embrace a healthy lifestyle can have positive long-term rewards.

Benefits of Improving Your Workplace Conditions

Staff Attendance & Retention

When employees are in fit physical condition, they are generally more likely to fight off bugs and other infections. Which means less absentees! As well as this, providing opportunities for your employees to physically improve and grow whilst being in their job will also improve morale. Employee retention is often higher in environments that focus on the individual’s growth as well as the organisation’s.

Confidence & Commitment

Regular physical activity prompts proactive, confident and committed individuals. People who have these characteristics are generally more engaged and likely to execute tasks. We all have challenges in a workplace on a daily basis. However, the outcome of the issues we’re faced with are often dependent on mindset and how we approach them. Of course physical activity alone isn’t going to make our employees world beaters. It’s not the entire recipe for success – but it’s an important ingredient.

Positive Members & Impact on Customers/Service

Ever wondered why people who regularly exercise seem so energised? The endorphins we release when we exercise trigger positive feelings from the sense of accomplishment we attain. Imagine members of your workforce feeling positive and accomplished on a regular basis. Our workforce are usually our first lines of communication with customers, so having a positive workforce could have a significant impact on service levels.

What Can You Do As An Employer?

Of course in an ideal world all employer’s would be creating extravagant environments for their employees. Sadly in reality most of us don’t have that luxury! However, we can still provide employees with the opportunities to engage in a healthy lifestyle at relatively low investments. Advice on how to promote health and well-being at work is well discussed in guides such as Iosh’s Working Well Guide. One smart and suggested option is in the investment of cycle shelters.

Investing in Cycle Shelters:

The great thing about an investment in cycle shelters is that it’s more than just a short term initiative. It’s a long term encouragement for employees to commute in via bicycle. Cycling is a universal activity preferred by many in most major cities. It caters for all too – people can set a cycling pace that they’re comfortable with. This is great in scenarios such as when commuters opt for a less intense journey on their way to work. There are additional benefits to cycle shelters too. For instance, the freeing up of parking spaces, lowered carbon footprints and fun cycling events to engage in!

Events like the annual Cycle to Work Day are great national events for companies to get involved with. From personal experience, we know events like this can really help bring our employees closer together. It’s also an opportunity for companies to connect with each other on social media platforms to discuss their travel experiences!

With so many cycle shelter options now available, many premises in 2018 can facilitate a shelter. Thanks to the great range of designs; it’s no longer a question of whether one will suit your needs. The real question is why doesn’t your organisation have one?

Here at Cycle Shelters Direct2u, we offer a range of different shelters to best fulfil our customer’s preferences. We know space can be limited on a premises, which is why our range includes options such as Wall Mounted Shelters to best fit the specific needs of our customers. Please feel free to use our Live Chat Service or call our Sales department to speak to one of our friendly team for further assistance.


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