Commitment to Commuting


Having commitment issues with commuting?

It’s that time again…the New Years Resolutions of cycle commuting are now starting to fade away. This week is said to be the week where most people fall off the resolution band wagon. It seems every year that the number one goal for everyone is to get fit. Second to that is to stop spending so much/ save more money. Want to know a way you can do both of those with one change? Cycle to work!

It has been calculated that workers could save over £1300 a year by choosing a bike over a car. The costs of running a car can soon mount up from fuel to maintenance. If you’re commuting during rush hour you can spend most of your time sitting around in traffic. Likewise with public transport, an annual train pass is expensive and the service is unreliable.

The best way to start commuting by cycling is to do it gradually. Familiarise yourself with the route on a day off. It’s also important to familiarise yourself with your bike, particularly if you’re going long distance, you’re going to want to be able to spot potential problems early on. Google Maps have a cycling option when looking for directions, you can also see the incline and decline levels. By cycling to work once a work to begin with you will soon build up the confidence to do it twice, three times and so on. Researching your route can be helpful for a few reasons 1) you can find the most quiet route, 2) the easiest route, 3) alternative routes in case of road closures.

Safety is always a concern when cycling particularly at rush hour and on roads. It’s important to be confident in your decisions. As with driving, hesitation can cause confusion for other road users and may result in a situation. By knowing your route and knowing your bike you can make confident decisions. There are many ways to brush up on your cycling skills if you’re in doubt including cycling proficiency courses. Here are Direct2U we have partnered with Bike Right! to help all our staff feel positive about cycling. If you live in an area with cycle lanes – great! Stick to the lanes where possible and avoid using the pavement.


Pep Talk

Need a little more convincing?.. Going to the gym costs around £20 a month, most of the time more – why pay that when you can cycle to work for free? Some may argue that getting a bike and the right equipment is pricey but view it as an investment. An investment in yourself, in the environment and for life. A good bike can last you years and by using it everyday you will soon get your money’s worth. If you’re still unsure visit the sustrans website – this site is great for top tips and answers to any questions you may have.


Making Compromises

If you would love to start cycling to work but the distance is too great, why not try ‘combined commuting’? Cycle to your nearest train station; catch the train to the nearest one to work and cycle from there. You could always switch it up depending on time/ energy and get off a couple stops earlier to cycle more. Most trains will allow full size bikes on but its always a good idea to check first.

If this post doesn’t get you motivated, we don’t know what will. Once you get into the routine of cycling to work you will start to feel the benefits and not want to stop. Give it a try and let us know how you get on!

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