Challenge Complete: Our Coast to Coast 2016

It’s been a few months since our team took on the Coast to Coast challenge. All the money they raised is finally in and we can announce how much they raised for our wonderful chosen charity Promise Dreams.

Drum roll please…

The grand total is £1550.

This is a huge amount for the charity and will go towards providing a very special dream for a child. I’m sure you’re all wondering how they got on. Let me take you on their 153 mile journey.

Start of Coast to Coast Challenge

Coast to Coast Challenge Day 1

Starting in Whitehaven the team has a gruelling 53 mile ride on the horizon. In the morning, they were eager to make a move and set off on the challenge ahead. Spirits were high and the team felt unstoppable.

We caught up with the team later in the day, when they were 25 miles down with a huge 28 miles to go! Fortunately, the weather was lovely and sunny for them (but not too hot!) and the views were certainly breath-taking. It was still all smiles at the half way point.

At the end of day one, the fatigue was setting in but they had got one day of cycling under their belt, and for quite a few of the riders this was the furthest that they had ever ridden in one day.

Coast to Coast Challenge Day 2

Coast to Coast Challenge Day 2

Day 2 was a test for all the team. They knew from other’s experiences that this was going to be the hardest day of the three. Ahead was a 56 mile ride and a 6000 ft climb over the Pennines – no mean feat! So off they started from Penrith early on the morning and kept us up to date with their progress over the day – sending a photo from Hartside Summit, at an altitude of 1903 feet above sea level this was the highest point they would reach over the three days.

It was the longest day of the three but they were still smiling all the way. However, the thought of the children and families that they were helping got them through this tough day.

It was also the longest day for one of the team for another reason.

To keep themselves entertained the guys had been competing for who could reach the top speed on their bikes. Half way through the day Greg Higgitt saw his opportunity at the top of a very high hill. Off he went hurdling down the descent, ahead of the group driven by determination. Suddenly, he found himself all alone at the bottom of the hill and was delighted with his progress.

After a few minutes or so when no one from the group had joined him, worry set in. A car was coming towards him so he flagged them down to ask if the driver had seen a group of cyclists back at the top of the hill. The driver answered ‘Are you doing the Coast to Coast?’ and had the pleasure of telling Greg that he had gone the wrong way. The driver told Greg he should have taken a turning at the top of the hill before the descent!

So, about one mile out of his way and with a 30 minute climb up an incredibly steep hill, Greg had to return to the group. They waited for him all this time, and had a chuckle or two as they watched him cycle into the distance and then have to back track up the hill.

Greg insists that it was still worth it. By going on his little detour, he won the competition and got the top speed over the three days.

With the team altogether again, they set off for the final stint of the day. When they reached their B&B for the night, it was a long bath, dinner and bed for all the guys. An early night was needed to rest their legs before Day 3. 2 Days down just 1 to go.

Coast to Coast Challenge Day 3

Coast to Coast Challenge Day 3

Stanhope to Tynemouth – the final leg of the journey. A 44 mile ride, 2000 ft climb (which seemed like nothing now) and a 3000 ft descent. With the hardest day over they could relax a little on their way to the finish line.

The day went smoothly, legs were aching and sore but everyone powered on through the pain knowing that it was for such a good cause. After a brief stop in Newcastle for a cup of tea and ice cream they got on the saddle once more to take them all the way to the finish.

Delight doesn’t quite explain the emotion they felt at the end – there was a little bit of relief that they had all made it too. Certainly, friends, family and work colleagues back home couldn’t have been more proud of the team and their huge achievement!

Well done Neil Higgitt, Paul Mainprice, Greg Higgitt, Peter Hargreaves, Charlie Hargreaves and the rest of the guys!!

Whilst our team were raising money for Promise Dreams, due to recent circumstances, Neil decided that he was going to raise money for another charity now close to his heart. A charity which is not too different from Promise Dreams.

He decided to raise money for 4Louis – a charity which helps parents and families who have lost a child from neonatal to infant. 4Louis not only provides help and support for those who need it, but in this time of great sadness they bring some comfort by giving these families a small keep sake box filled with items to help the family capture the precious memorise of their baby or child. A box like this costs around £30 to put together.

Neil raised an incredible amount of money for this special charity – and unbelievable £3156.00.

At Direct2U we are so proud of what the team have achieved and the money they have raised for these two amazing charities. We hope that the money raised will give families love and hope whatever their circumstances.

Whether our donation helps families capture the memories of a child who has passed; helps families create special memories today whilst they still have precious time and are fortunate to do so; or provides essential equipment that makes daily tasks that much easier.  We know, by working with these charities closely, that they are so grateful for any donation, no matter how big or small. It all makes a huge difference and will leave a lasting mark on many lives.

A huge heart felt thank you to everyone who was able to donate, and to everyone that supported our team.

Here’s to the next challenge in 2018 (they need a bit of a break after all).

If you would like to make a donation you can still do so here: 

Promise Dreams –

4Louis –

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